Destination Wedding {Cabo San Lucas, Mexico}

Juliet and I are packing the suntan lotion and heading off to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico to shoot a destination wedding this week. We’re so excited every time we have an opportunity to shoot in a new location, especially one as beautiful as this! As soon as we get back, I will post a few of the highlights from the trip. Thanks to the couple, Gini and Jordan, and their families for allowing us to be a part of their special day.

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Ashleigh & Jared {Boone Hall Plantation}

We were happy to oblige when Australian-born Ashleigh asked us to document her elopement to fiancé Jared. There were so many aspects of this day that excited us. Neither of them had been to Charleston… but they knew this was the place.

“Although we are having a small, private ceremony, we want to be able to share our wedding day with family and friends through photos. We want them to see how special the day was for us and how happy we are together.”

Along with Jared’s brother, Ian, and led by officiant Mike Winship, they exchanged vows on the Cotton Dock of Boone Hall Plantation and spent the rest of their day in the Holy City. Our very own Caroline captured each special moment. Thanks Ashleigh and Jared for letting us be a part of such a wonderful day!


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Mat - January 16, 2012 - 10:07 pm

Great job Caroline! Love the negative space and artistic blur.