The Quinns { Downtown Charleston Family }

Downtown Charleston family portraits capture the essence of the Holy City through its beautiful architecture and scenic spaces.  For Bridgit and the Quinn family, it was a trek down out-of-the-way lanes and shadowy gardens and we can’t wait to share some of our favorite moments with you today!  The classic ironwork and cobblestone streets beckoned to the group as they made their way through the city.

The Quinns decided to coordinate outfits with pink and blue the chosen colors.  The real hit were the hats they chose, from a classic fedora to a take on a cowboy hat.  A wide-brimmed garden hat was the perfect compliment to a comfy pink blouse and blue jeans while grandpa looked like he was ready to hit the fairway with his golf hat.  Families often color-coordinate but it’s always a treat to see a unique theme pop up.  The little one even got in on the action, stealing everyone else’s hats before playing with her own Minnie Mouse parasol.

This little girl was one of the most adorable kids we have ever encountered and each moment with her was simply magical.  Her smile brightened every photo and her laugh echoed up and down the quiet alleys.  Her grandparents beamed holding her while giving her ticklish kisses, eliciting peals of laughter.  And there are few things more adorable than a father holding up his little girl.  Their moments together were so beautiful.  She made everything so fantastic.

Thank you for bringing us along with you family and we wish we’d had more time with you.  Isabella was just too cute.  We wish you all the best!

Photographer: Bridgit | Editor: Ruta

